The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24468   Message #280083
Posted By: MythHunter
18-Aug-00 - 02:12 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Mrs Stein Don't Rent to Gypsies Any More
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: dosn't rent to gypsys
Thanks to those who gave useful information. I am sorry to have offend you InOBU. Are you having a bad day?

Once I get the lyrics I shall write a version just for you; _Ms.Roma doesn't rent to white folk anymore_.

I am not trying to be more insulting or insenseative to anyones race I just think that taking offence to a simple lyric request is a over reaction. I might have been loking for the lyrics to do a paper on how the Roma are discriminated against in song for all you know.

Shall we take the songs that offend others out of here as well? _Pretty Polly_, maybe? I mean - domestic violence should not be sung about- someone might get the wrong idea about men.

Or any of the black jack/gypsy davy songs full of stereo types obviously not ligit folk music at all....

Or _Senor Don Gato_ full of stereo types about cats and the accent that most singers put on it is degrading to anyone whose first language was Spanish.

a very tired myth hunter