The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126102   Message #2800837
Posted By: CarolC
01-Jan-10 - 12:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: attempt mass murder Christmas
Subject: RE: BS: attempt mass murder Christmas
MtheGM, while it may be true that the communist objectives were more location specific than we were led to believe, in my country, at least, our government saw a commie under every bush, and they even had congressional witch hunts to root them out. Many people were blacklisted and their lives and careers destroyed in the process. The communist boogey man didn't successfully infiltrate this country because the conditions weren't right for it here. People here were for the most part content with their lot. Just like with the Islamists. We don't have a significant problem with local Islamists (no more so than, for instance, right wing extremists, who are no less dangerous), because the Muslims who live in the US are pretty satisfied with their lives here. Your Islamists are less content with their lot in your country and you are experiencing a backlash for that reason. The Muslims here tend to be more well off than the average US citizen and have successfully blended in with the culture of this country (or their families have been here for centuries and they helped build the country).

The socio-economic conditions for the average Muslim in your country are very different, and you have more unrest there for that reason.

We don't have a problem of Muslims wanting to impose strict Islamic practices in this country. We don't have a problem of Muslims trying to impose their religion on others. It's just not happening here. One would expect that to happen here since we are the "Great Satan", but it's just not. If their objective was to establish a great caliphate that would include this country, that is what we would experience. Instead, what we experience is the occasional act of terrorism. The only purpose that is served by terrorist acts is to scare people. None of these acts has had the purpose of scaring us into becoming Muslim. Not even the people who planned these acts have said they are for the purpose of making us become Muslim. They have consistently said that they are for the purpose of swaying public opinion to pressure the US government to get its military out of Muslim countries and to stop meddling in the affairs of those countries.