The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126113   Message #2800950
Posted By: GUEST,Chongo Chimp
01-Jan-10 - 03:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chongo caught in blatant.......
Subject: RE: BS: Chongo caught in blatant.......
Har! Har! This is gettin' good. Maybe I can claim death benefits. Really...I am amazed what ridiculous lengths the Democrats are willin' to go to to see that I don't run in 2012. Obama is clearly terrified by what might happen if I do. What a wimp! Well, I'm hopin' they have a fullscale state funeral for "me" and I will attend it. I'll even put a buncha flowers by the coffin. Har! Har! Har! Man, I am rollin' in the aisles here. I have told Renata not to get ticked off about alla this phony hoopla. It's dynamite promotion if you ask me. We could not have planned it better ourselves.

Just wait...."Back From The Dead!!!" is what the headlines will scream. Hoo boy!

I got a bettin' pool goin' with the guys at Alfie's to see how long the administration will carry on this nonsense before admittin' that they got the wrong chimp.

- Chongo