The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126113   Message #2800993
Posted By: GUEST,Chongo Chimp
01-Jan-10 - 05:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chongo caught in blatant.......
Subject: RE: BS: Chongo caught in blatant.......
Yeah, yeah....and then you got the disorders in individuals who pose as relatives of celebrities in an effort to gather attention, admiration, or sexual advantage.

Example 1: Numerous individuals have posed as relatives or associates of Bob Dylan, claiming to be his brother, sister, cousin, agent, etc. Why? Usually they are seeking attention, admiration, and sexual advantage.

Example 2: You got people pretendin' to be related to Obama for the same reasons as noted above.

Example 3: And the most glarin' case of all! A notorious disease-carryin' chimp proskirt named Chinga has been posin' for the last couple of years as the longlost sister of a famous private eye from Chicago...namely Yours Truly, me. She got her surname changed to "Chimp" to bolster the illusion. Her real original surname was "la Madre". This Chinga la Madre character came up from Mexico where she had been workin' the streets and dealin' drugs. She got wind of a shady agent of the Obama administration who goes by the codename: Deep Doo-Doo. We know him as "Amos", but he got that changed too. His real original name is "Anos", an unusual name unless you are related to deviant vivisectionist Bulgarian necrophiliacs from the mountainous Bumfak region, many of whom have adopted that name in bravado. Their intention is to offend, and they usually do. So, Deep Doo-Doo offered her big bucks from the Democratic Party warchest to slander the name of Chongo Chimp. Idiots! She'd've willingly done it for five dollars! With the money gained from her slanderous activities, Chinga la Madre, alias Chinga Chimp, has set up a string of cathouses from Milwaukee to Chicago. Funds from those illicit operations are bein' used to finance crooked electioneering and drug running by the Democrats in a number of Congressional ridings, and that's not all. Chinga has also been workin' for the Republicans...the other half of the specist megalopoly that runs Washington and wants to keep a chimp out of the White House. Chinga doesn't care who she betrays in her lust for money and fame. She would sell her own mother for bingo money...if she knew who her mother was.

Why did Chinga do it? Easy. She did it in an effort to gather attention, admiration, and sexual advantage. Heh! :-D Oh, and money, of course...

Lotsa money.

- Chongo