The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126177   Message #2801065
Posted By: maire-aine
01-Jan-10 - 06:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: 2010-Jan De-clutter & accountability ^^^
Subject: RE: BS: 2010-Jan De-clutter & accountability ^^^
My mother always said "whatever you do on New Year's Day, you'll do all year long". So, when I changed the bedclothes this morning, I turned the mattress. It's one of these new 15-inch ones, so you can't flip it, only spin it around. I also caught up on all of the laundry AND put everything away. I made a pot of French Onion Soup (garnished with fresh thyme from the yard)-- mmmm, yummy! I order it when I go out, but I've never made it at home before. Turned out well, and there's some for tomorrow's lunch.

I know I've put on about 5 more pounds during December, but I'm going to concentrate on cutting my carbs, starting today. The sun managed to peek out for a few minutes this afternoon, but it has been very cold today. It only "got up" to 25F (-3.9C) today, and it's going to be about that all next week, so not much walking outdoors for a while.
