The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126147   Message #2801385
Posted By: GUEST,The Shambles
02-Jan-10 - 08:39 AM
Thread Name: Licensing consultation announced!
Subject: RE: Licensing consultation announced!
>All amplification in pubs should be regulated. The exemptions that there are should be removed.<

Of course, all excessive noise is already regulated. Any live or recorded music that may be exempt from additional entertainment licensing is still subject to regulation under envirionmental legislation.

Whether we have had additional entertainment licensing or not, has and can have no effect on noise concerns. As this can only be brought into effect for noise coming from entertainment (and not loud music blasting from the house next door) it can be at best, only a partial solution to noise concerns.

The problems described above have not been created or made any worse by any measures introduced by the Licensing Act 2003. Promoting this legislation by continuing the myth, that additional entertainment licensing can have some effect, may have covered-up any short-comings in the envirionmental legislation that is supposed to protect the public from all noise concerns. The answer to this is to address these short-comings and not to perpetuate the myth that expensive additional entertainment licensing benefits anyone but those who are employed to enforce it.