The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126102   Message #2801753
Posted By: CarolC
02-Jan-10 - 03:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: attempt mass murder Christmas
Subject: RE: BS: attempt mass murder Christmas
PDQ, you're citing examples in the US and Canada only for Christian terrorism, and you're using the whole world as your example for Muslim terrorism. That doesn't wash. Also, it's not just Christians and Muslims under consideration. There are Jewish terrorists, and Hindu terrorists, and Buddhist terrorists, and Atheistic terrorists, and terrorists from other religions and traditions as well as terrorists of no particular tradition/religion.

And we need to also consider the numbers of Muslims who have been killed by the armed forces and covert forces of self-professed "Judeo-Christian" countries, like the US, and at the behest of self-professed Christian leaders.

You're being very selective in the examples you're willing to recognize.