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Thread #125979   Message #2801931
Posted By: Little Hawk
02-Jan-10 - 07:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama caught in blatant lying
Subject: RE: BS: Obama caught in blatant lying
Our cartoonists? Heh! Surely you jest...

Look, I am opposed to all forms of terrorism, not just the state terrorism that is practiced by ambitious empires and great powers. I am also opposed to individual acts of terrorism by Islamic terrorists who set off suicide bombs in markets, hijack airplanes, and attack Dutch cartoonists.

This is the same as to say that I'm against all forms of criminal activity, which I am.

It doesn't change my opinions on American foreign policy one iota, because it is that foreign policy, plus the similar activities of Russia, Great Britain, and Israel, that have created the overall situation that incubates so many non-state Islamic terrorists. They are a reaction to the aggressive empire-building practiced by the more powerful countries on the weaker ones, and they are also a reaction to the local dictators propped up in their Islamic countries by Russia and the USA.

There is no immediate action the USA can take that would instantly resolve all of what has happened, but to further involve our troops in occupying Muslim nations is an action that will only exacerbate the situation, not improve it. Remember Vietnam? It was unwinnable. So is this war. The smart thing to do with an unwinnable war, specially when you are the END the occupation.

What would follow an end to western occupation would be further infighting and further war between local groups in those countries, but that is their business, not ours.

Another huge problem which is contingent on all of this is the constant risk of a major war between India and Pakistan over longstanding issues in Kashmir and the disputed mountainous regions north of Kashmir. The USA is considerably worsening the risk of that by its ruinous military policies in Afghanistan and the Pakistani northern border areas, because those activities are greatly destabilizing Pakistan and enraging the Pakistani populace, which once considered the USA a friend and ally (while India was allied with the Russians). India watches this new situation like a hawk, hoping to cash in on Pakistani weaknesses. The Indians are delighted to see the USA alienated against the Muslim world, because that serves India's strategic regards to Pakistan.

As for the Pakistanis, they have never been more isolated, more alone, and in a more miserable state than they are now. The only strategic "friend" they have left at this point is China...because China is also at odds with India.