The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126045   Message #2802305
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
03-Jan-10 - 02:08 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Smokers Are Scum, a gentle song
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Smokers Are Scum, a gentle song
"The smokers I am wishing an early death are those who deliberately expose other people to a known carcinogen, especially those who expose children, cancer survivors, or people with vascular or pulmonary disease. I do so wholeheartedly."

You know...this is like the 'ALL dogs are Scum!" brigade!

You get those who have real hang ups about dogs calling for them to be outcasts in society, not allowed here, there or anywhere...This new law, that new law....

Protect our children! Protect our children! They'll go blind! They'll die! They'll get this! They'll get that! Take the evil dogs away from them! Seperate them for life..and beyond!

Well, you know what?

I'm one of the few people who've had Toxicara, Carol....and I lost part of the vision in my right eye, but do I blame dogs for it???? Nope!

It just happened.

I came to terms with it, I was lucky, I got better...and I moved on.

What has happened though, is that children and animals have become far further apart than ever once they were, brought up by neurotic parents who've been brainwashed into believing their children are going to die if they sit next to a dog..and both children..and dogs..have suffered because of it.

We cannot live in a Super Sterile World.

I don't want dogs banned.

We get things in life. We get terrible things in life!

Yeesh...I lost two 'little souls'..and the first was due to a cancer scare, something called a Hydatidiform Molar pregnancy. Very rare, very 'orrible, but I learnt a great deal from it, learnt to love life, whilst The Big Cancer sat waiting on my shoulder, deciding whether to go deeper inside or leave me alone.....

I didn't blame smokers for it though..or anyone else...

It simply happened.....and it happened to me.

Things do.

It's called Life...and you have to cope as best as you can...

The best way to cope is my opening your heart up, not closing it down.

I really wish you well...and I hope that you make a full recovery, but it will help you more to not get so angry with a bit of cigarette smoke floating your way now and then.   It's not **that** harmful.

We get cancer for so many reasons...

It is not anyone's 'fault'....

Take the best from it...the love of your family, the care of the medical workers around you.

Learn to see the Beautiful World in which we live through eyes that know the meaning of 'The Last Day', because it brings with it such an incredible gift...and the simplest things, which once you never noticed, become immeasurably wonderful, like a raindrop on a leaf, a frosted spider's web..the colours of car oil in a puddle..a sunny day....a robin, a squirrel jumping from tree to tree, an old lady's face, wizened with wrinkles, that lights up like a diamond when she smiles........

All so beautiful...

Save the word Scum for those with Exploding Underpants, who deliberately choose to kill and maim as many as they can...