The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126198   Message #2802347
Posted By: catspaw49
03-Jan-10 - 03:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Multicultural Competence
Subject: RE: BS: Multicultural Competence
Yeah I know the feeling and as its currently 12 degrees here, snowballs are out of the question 'cause its too damn dry. But I used to love/hate a good snowball fight as a kid. Kids are really cruel, ya' know? group would stock up before challenging another group to a good fight at the end of the street. Of course they would have their own stock and depending on the age of the snowball and the humidity and temperature since it was made, some of the damn things were just rock hard. I had worse bruising from friendly, neighborhood, snowball fights than I ever did playing baseball all through school.....and I was a catcher!

Invariably there were injuries and some were pretty nasty! We had one guy who could really wing 'em and he hit Donnie Haskins in the head with one of those iceballs and knocked his ass out! No shit, we had go get his Dad who toted him off to the hospital, groggy as all hell. Things slowed down some after that and I don't recall anymore use of the really hard iceballs. LOL....still threw some but we somehow figured that certain iceballs were softer...............Looking back at that day with Donnie, I'd bet he had a concussion but his Dad never said and frankly his Dad never said anything about it. I've often thought that was because they came from Duluth and his Old Man had some similar times in his own youth.
