The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126177   Message #2802695
Posted By: katlaughing
03-Jan-10 - 11:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: 2010-Jan De-clutter & accountability ^^^
Subject: RE: BS: 2010-Jan De-clutter & accountability ^^^
Man, I can't keep up with you two!**bg**

With my Rog's help, I cleared the sofa of linen, started stacking the bedspreads, sheets and pillowcases on one shelf, towels on the next up. The highest is too high for me, so stuff I don't need often will go there. I decided I don't need to iron as much as I thought, so I have a small pile to do and then that will get put away, too, and our linen closet will be done. It already looks so much better and I can actually find stuff in it!

Also did more laundry today. It has been cold here; we haven't been out of the 20s much in the past month or so, it seems. I crawled in bed for a nap this afternoon. OUr bedroom is cold because we sleep better that way. Anyway, I had one cat curl up on my hip (I was on my side) the other curled up next to my cheek. They were so toasty warm, I had a great 45 minute nap! Didn't really want to disturb them, it was so cozy.