The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126180   Message #2802762
Posted By: Shanghaiceltic
04-Jan-10 - 03:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Genealogy...anyone researching
Subject: RE: BS: Genealogy...anyone researching
I added another piece of military family history to the tree today. Sadly this young man, Frederick Rush never returned home. Joined up in 1915 and spent time with the 24th London Regiment during 1916 and 1917 in Macedonia and then saw almost continuous action in Palestine until July 1918 when his regiment was disbersed and amalgamated with the 2nd London regiment and sent to the Somme. He was shot in the back in Septemer 1918 at Epehy and died of his wounds on October 1st 1918 at a military hospital in Rouen. He is buried in Rouen.

The National Archives has allowed Ancestors access to the service records of many of the people who served in the army in WW1 and the records are quite detailed.

It seems many on my fathers side of the family joined up and now I have records for 4 of them, two of whom died.

On a happier note I need to re visit a couple of pubs in Northleach, Gloucestershire as again many of my fathers side originated from there and owned two coaching inns as well as coaching businesses. The railways put paid to their business so they some went into race horse breeding while others made their way to London.