The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24499   Message #280285
Posted By: Willie-O
18-Aug-00 - 12:48 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Along the French Shore
Subject: Along the French Shore
I'm looking for the words to a song I've heard Jim Payne of Newfoundland sing a couple of times:

"As we sailed all along the French shore, boys,
We sailed all along the French shore."

It's a mildly suggestive tale of a young lad who spied on a sailor and his lady love, who was working in the galley on the fishing schooner aboard which all the parties to the song were, you know, sailing along the French Shore. (That's a stretch of Nfld coast, I'm not sure which part.)

It's pretty funny and kind of sweet. The French Shore does not get anything useful in the DT.
