The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36295   Message #2802965
Posted By: Will Fly
04-Jan-10 - 10:15 AM
Thread Name: Folk Clubs London 1960s & 70s
Subject: RE: Folk Clubs London 1960s & 70s
If anyone had popped in to the "Redan" on the corner of Queensway and Westbourne Grove any Thursday during the years 1970 to mid-1976, they would have seen a moveable feast of a band called The Egbert Sousé All Stars. I say moveable feast, because the band waxed and waned from between 5 and 8 people at any one gig, depending on who turned up. We played a mix of jug band music, blues and, in later days, 1920s dance numbers.

The main personnel (apart from me on guitar and tenor banjo) were: Pete Charlton (founder) on vocals and kazoo; Rita Foreman (ex-wife of John and mother of Chris) on washboard; Brian Catchpole on vocals, blues harp and kazoo; Robin Wayne (brother of Mick) on double bass; Stefan Dreja (brother of Chris) on jug and trombone; Pete Reid on tenor banjo and bass saxophone; Ian Chisholm on guitar and mandolin; Norman Picken on clarinet and alto sax and Lawrence (surname forgotten) on tenor sax. We also had, now and then, Diz Disley (who lived upstairs in the pub) on guitar, Bob Kerr on trumpet and a couple called Paul and Wink who played banjo and swanee whistle respectively.

The then landlord of the pub (the late) Johnny Watkins, had been a guitarist and singer with the Tito Burns Agency, and hosted several musical events at the Redan. Sunday lunchtime was jazz with the Denise brothers, Frank and Laurie.

Bayswaterites might like to know that the launderette across the road from the Redan was the very first coin-op launderette in Britain. we used to do our washing there and very often sat next to drummer and bandleader Ray Ellington of The Goon Show fame - he had "RE" embroidered on his smalls!

Don't get me started on the Cousins, the Horseshow, the Cambridge, Bunjies, Klooks Kleek, the Marquee, the Troubadour...