The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125979   Message #2803431
Posted By: Bobert
04-Jan-10 - 05:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama caught in blatant lying
Subject: RE: BS: Obama caught in blatant lying
So government isn't supposed to be into no social programs??? Hmmmmm??? How about the thousands of pages of laws that protect polluters, monopolies, money lauderers (credit default swap schemes), exploiters, userers and general corporate thugs against the working class??? Guess those laws don't count as social programs becuase they only benefit the rich???

No, what we have is the biggest welfare state ever imagined with 5% of the people controlling 80% of the wealth and these same people use the government to corral more and more of the wealth to the point now where most of the Baby Boomers have been fleeced and now see that retirement isn't something that is in the cards for them...

Heaven help the next generation if the governemnt continues to pour welfare (thru bad laws) onto the rich...
