The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126198   Message #2804402
Posted By: Stower
05-Jan-10 - 07:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Multicultural Competence
Subject: RE: BS: Multicultural Competence
I can't speak for what happens in the US under the term, 'political correctness', as I don't live there. But here in the UK I have *never* heard of anyone who aspires to be 'politically correct' and uses that term to describe their aspiration. 'Political correctness' is, in my own experience, solely and entirely a term of abuse, and it is of no precise meaning except 'I don't like what you say and am going to insult it/you'. In that way, it reminds me of the way the term 'communist' has been used in the States, not to describe a person's political affiliations or beliefs, but as a catch-all insult so that the person accused of being a 'communist' will not be heard or have their arguments taken seriously. The same with 'political correctness'. To put it another way, the term says nothing at all about the original views expressed: it says a great deal about the person labelling those views as 'politically correct', that they don't want to discuss details, to engage with the issues, to intelligently argue the case.

My point: Let's engage brain and argue about the issues - their logic, their meaning, their ramifications for individuals, societies and governments. Let's not just call names such as 'political correctness' or 'communist' like a childish playground jibe, as a way of avoiding intelligent engagement with people whose views need to be understood first, before they can be argued with.