The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35309   Message #2804425
Posted By: guitarman95
05-Jan-10 - 08:02 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Take Me Back to Calvary
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Take Me Back To Calvary
Hey, I think I may have it.

Anyhow, as I said above I may have a hopefull on this.
A friend of mine called me to see if I knew this song. She says she heard someone did it at a cookout this summer and thought maybe it was me. It was not me but I was there last year and did some singing
so I'm familiar with some of the folks who may have attended this year. I have not heard this song.

I have made a couple of contacts but nothing yet.
I will keep you posted (if this message works out) as to what I can find. Would be glad to send a tape, cd etc. if I can find one.
If not, maybe I can get the tune and work it up myself on the guitar.

Susan, are the lyrics you supplied to this song the original lyrics?
Thanks for sharing and thanks to all for your effort with this issue.

I remain
Leon Farthing (Kentucky)