The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126198   Message #2804481
Posted By: TIA
05-Jan-10 - 10:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Multicultural Competence
Subject: RE: BS: Multicultural Competence
Azizi should not have to PM a moderator to get such shit removed or disavowed. We should all recognize it immediately. No offense to moderators. We should *ALL* recognize and decry it. Please, let's not misplace the onus.

Going out on a limb here....
If Azizi has to point out obviously racist (sorry, there really is not an alternative intepretation) speech, she has already been put in the position of being the overly "politically correct".

Lots of good hearted folks here. Otherwise I would not be lingering after ~10 years (short relative to some of you). IMHO racism is insidious as hell. Sneaks out of even those who do not think they are. I am probably guilty too at some point.

We all need training in sensitivity beyond our little worlds. Oddly, it is easy - and "politically correct" to denigrate political correctness! But, there are attitudes and language that we all engage in without thinking. Maybe a little multicultural competence would mitigate this.

The Mass is ended, go in peace....