The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126285   Message #2804679
Posted By: eddie1
06-Jan-10 - 05:30 AM
Thread Name: Accused Banjo Beater Allowed To Tour
Subject: RE: Accused Banjo Beater Allowed To Tour
Many moons ago, in a previous incarnation when I was one of the very few Scottish singing cowboys in the USA, I bought a guitar from Baltimore Bluegrass (an institution I have been led to believe is sadly no longer with us?)
While having some adjustments made, I was allowed to enter their workshop to find, proudly displayed on the wall, a newspaper clipping about a man accused of beating his wife with a banjo. When the banjo neck broke, he continued beating her with a second banjo.
Whilst condemning the whole concept of domestic violence, I have to admit the man showed class!
