The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126218   Message #2804925
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
06-Jan-10 - 11:27 AM
Thread Name: Free Rare Old Folk Album Downloads
Subject: RE: Free Rare Old Folk Album Downloads
but I'm not posting the link. That would only encourage cheapskates to go and steal them.

Some of the argument for and against the recordings being up on site sounds remarkably similar to that here, and the self justification is equally reprehensible.

All this angelic righteousness is just the thing for a cold 12th night / Epiphany. Do keep it coming though - either that or take the bother to read what this thread was actually about. Meanwhile, interesting to consider if the same copy-righteousness had been around back in the day there would have been no folk tradition, nor yet the mass cultural plundering that went on in the name of The Revival the spoils of which bulk up much of these pirated albums.