The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126285   Message #2805310
Posted By: catspaw49
06-Jan-10 - 07:20 PM
Thread Name: Accused Banjo Beater Allowed To Tour
Subject: RE: Accused Banjo Beater Allowed To Tour
If I hadn't read the article, I'd have to go along with MtheGM and so would start referring to the penis (have to be correct here for MGM) as a "banjo."   I have a long neck one myself...........wait............ohmygawd.........................................Maybe they've used that term for years! Maybe I just missed it.................................yeah.............that's it...................................sweet jesus in a diaper....That Andy Devine was really a sick fuck with that "Pluck your magic twanger Froggy" bullshit........probably a pedophile..............damn, what a preeevert!
