The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126285   Message #2805423
Posted By: Artful Codger
06-Jan-10 - 10:13 PM
Thread Name: Accused Banjo Beater Allowed To Tour
Subject: RE: Accused Banjo Beater Allowed To Tour
Mike-the-Pedant: If a banjo-beater must be one who beats banjos, how do you interpret "ax-murderer"? I don't think it refers to Pete Townsend.

I also question that "banjos don't assault people." Ever hear one? If a person didn't have a banjo, he could only beat you with his fists.

(Yes, I dabble with the banjo, too, but responsibly--at home, alone.)

P.S. I've heard the Republicans want to pass a law making it illegal to possess more than one ounce of banjo strings. It's the first step in their "War on Banjos"--finally, a war they might win.