The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24485   Message #280553
Posted By: little john cameron
18-Aug-00 - 10:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: whit aboot mah poem
Subject: RE: BS: whit aboot mah poem
If ye wid notice ah revived the threed o Havards tae try an help him oot wi his request an said ah wid get back tae him efter mah denner but it slipped mah mind.By the time ah got back wi the poem that threed wis nearly a goner even efter ah posted the poem ,an then the bluidy thing got stuck an it took me a while tae figur oot tae get on the help line.Ah only mentioned it on the 2nd ane tae direct fowk back tae the 1st ane.Then Pene pit a link tae 2nd ane back tae the 1st ane an by that time the John Crosbie ane POPPED UP'!!
Dae ye folly that awricht?
Noo then,ah agree wi ye aboot the lookin fur attention an the mickey takin.The only talent ah hae is mah sense o humour.Too bad ye dinnae hae ane!.
As fawr as the poem goes,if ye can mak ony sense oot o that then ye're a better man than me Gunga Din.It's a bunch o words maistly oot o Rabbie Burns' poems strung thegither in nae particular order.In ither words"rubbish" but when spoke oot lood sounds very"Burnsesque'
Dae ye honestly think fowk wid o had an easier time wi mah vibrational disertation if it wis scrieved in Scots?
Ah,m gled tae hear ye're learnin Ulster Scots.Fortunately ah dinnae hae tae dae that tae learn oors as ah live it every day in mah bones. LJC