The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24485   Message #280557
Posted By: little john cameron
18-Aug-00 - 10:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: whit aboot mah poem
Subject: RE: BS: whit aboot mah poem
Me again fowks!!Ah seem tae dae got mah pipes fired up noo.So here's a wee bittie o Real Scots fur ye.
(b) Scots as a naitional leid

The nixt three-fower hunner year wis tae see the flouerin o 'Scots' as a naitional leid. In 1314 Bannockburn o course makkit sicker the freedom o the kintra (fur a wee). In 1375 Barbour's Scots epic 'The Brus' cam out, in 1398 the Scottish Parliament stairtit tae pit its laws in Scots (insteed o Laitin). Doon south o coorse the Inglish wis growein an aw throu the warks o Chaucer an ithers. Bit it hid chynged, noo bein, a wheen say, mair an Anglo-Frainch 'creole'. The by- leid o the hame counties becam the offeecial naitional leid therr efter aboot 1450.

The Scottish leid, wi its Lochlan colorin, wis noo different eneuch to be cryed a saiprit tung an the by-leid aroon the Forth suin becam the national leid o keing an cowmoner alike. The makar Gavin Douglas (wha kent 'Inglish' Inglish weel) wis aiblins the first kenspeckle scriever tae own the difference an gie the tung its new nam. The makars Henryson, Dunbar, Lyndsay an Douglas hisel aw played a pairt in makkin Scots a heid European leid wi a warld-cless leeterature an staunin. In a wey, this wis noo the tap o the watter fur Scots, yaised in ilka aspeck o Scottish life, a rael an hail naitional leid. Frae nou on the Scots tung (an its speakers) wid hae tae thole ane dunt efter anithir.