The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126218   Message #2805612
Posted By: GUEST,janisfarm
07-Jan-10 - 06:42 AM
Thread Name: Free Rare Old Folk Album Downloads
Subject: RE: Free Rare Old Folk Album Downloads
Hello all,
this is a very interesting thread

from my point of view.. i have to say that i am an old uploader.

I started because of love for music and willing to share what i love.

I have to say that i would have stoped listening to so much music i like because of money. i am pretty young and did not have the chance to buy these lps when it was cheaper before - 20, 30, 40 years. Now some have just gone to prices like 500$ and more. I love the music and because i am young i dont have a collection that is enough for my ears like some of you (which are older). So what can i do?
Stop listening to new stuff? Buy everything companies say is diamond(you all know the some companies were making reissues or even bootleg reissues of not good stuff and were promoting it like lost diamond---there is a pretty good song about this situation MANY BRIGHT THINGS- RECORD COLLECTOR POTATO) ? spend 1000$ to buy 1 copy out of 10 for an album which artist is lost or even dead? I think that if the artist and company did care about the LP the would have made some official reissue to increase the sales and make som money. they did not do it because the knew (some years ago) that nobody would be interested (they did not smell money)

Also I know that many artists were forgoten and would still be forgoten if these sites and people behind it did not exist.

I have also one guestion for you... why did so many artist get really lost in the late 70s and now( till 5-6 years) they are back, they are online and also have my space page ????

MY LOVE for this music will not stop and my respect to the artists is eternal ... they make my soul and mind travel.

I spend what i can to suppost them and don't get cheated anymore.

Finaly the reason i stopped blogging is the luck of communication. I was sharing music to get feedback from other people who shared the same feelings and respect for the music (after all in real life (not online) i have very few people-friends with same feelings about this music.
A solution is i think blogs whithout download links...just like music libraries but whith links to the artist site in order to be able to get a normal copy or to push to the direction of a proper reissue.

Best regards and love for real music