The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24485   Message #280605
Posted By: Lox
19-Aug-00 - 12:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: whit aboot mah poem
Subject: RE: BS: whit aboot mah poem
"The jabberwocky" is a great poem!

I learned it studying literature at school. Why?

It is about the best example there is of a poem written with aesthetics and texture as its main focus.

It does so well, that any body who has ever read it instantly understands what "mimsy", "brillig" and "slithy" mean. "Toves" doesn't mean much without "slithy" as a prefix, but "slithy toves" are enough to give you nightmares for a week.

Sitting in front of this computer for so long, I have begun to "gyre" and "gimble". Fortunately however, I am indoors, and thus I do not have to do it in the "wabe". (although I fear that there may be a small puddle of "wabe" seeping up from under my desk)

I know that (did Edward Lear write it or was it Lewis carrol) whoever wrote it compiled a glossary of terms for it, but I didn't see that till a few years ago.

Suffice to say, I think, that these definitions were unimportant to the poem as a piece of work, since, upon reading the glossary, I decided that my own imagery suited the poem better.

Thats just me though and I'm sure that anybody else reading it will have their own personal understanding of it. eg.- How is "slithy" pronounced. Is it more like "slither" or "slimy".

What is a poem if it is not bewitching?... ...a bad poem.