The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126218   Message #2806601
Posted By: GUEST,ralphie
08-Jan-10 - 09:55 AM
Thread Name: Free Rare Old Folk Album Downloads
Subject: RE: Free Rare Old Folk Album Downloads
Breshnev Old Fruit!
I will expand.
I was there when they set up the BBC archiving project 10 or so years ago.
Young enthusiastic people, with an eye on a career in broadcasting, would come in bright eyed and bushy tailed. Up for the job..Within three months they would either get another job, or just leave.
Have you ever watched paint dry? That is what this job would entail.
When I said I could do 15 tracks a day, I was being a bit hopefull.
First find your 78 player..(professional quality) 1/4 inch tape machine that still works...DAT machine..(Haven't been made for years. rare as hens teeth, and the Beeb have already brought the few hundred that still exist)
Time spent to transfer, edit, re-eq, master, put on a server, upload to the web, and that is without all the documentation that, hopefully would go with each track...when recorded, where, who by.
Everything being carefully catalogued.
So one person to upload the material.
One person to edit/mix/master each track.
One person to do the admin.

You'd maybe get 3 or 4 tracks a day. If you're lucky!
I was referring to me uploading an already mixed track in my attic.

You have to remember I spent 33 years as a sound engineer at the BBC. I know just how long it takes to do the simplest of things.
We had a saying.
90% of the work takes 90% of the time.
The other 10% takes the other 90% of the time.
And you still haven't come up with who exactly is going to fund all this.
Not, who you think should fund it, we all know that. But who is going to put their hands in their pockets.

Sorry mate. I know exactly how impossible this would be.
It really isn't feasable without a financial input of something approaching 3/4 of a million pounds.