The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126208   Message #2806900
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
08-Jan-10 - 03:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: High Tourist Season In Hawai'i
Subject: RE: BS: High Tourist Season In Hawai'i
Beware some of the coffee sold as "Kona" in the stores. often it is only 5-10% Kona and the rest some cheap filler coffee, not Hawaiian.
Buy from a grower (one not far south of the Kona resort area on the Big Island) or other good source.

As fretless says, I have found myself alone or with one or two others on Hawai'i (Big Island) beaches. But the same is true of the stretches of beach on the west side of O'ahu and on other islands.

But as someone above said, most visitors on the beaches are there for the sun and escape from their home routine, and I have never been bothered by them.

It touristy Waikiki, go to the Halekalani Hotel near sunset and in "The House Without a Key" drink a mai tai or three while you watch the sun go down over the ocean. This is open air. Nothing more touristy, but pleasant and relaxing. One of the most luxurious resort hotels, and the drinks ans snack foods are a bit expensive, but one leaves the place with a happy glow. Live Hawaiian entertainment from 5:30- 8:30. The last drinks are served at 9:00 PM, but one can sit for a long time without being bothered.
The resort hotel itself is run in relaxed style, and a cut or two above the old "pink lady."