The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24499   Message #280743
Posted By: Malcolm Douglas
19-Aug-00 - 10:44 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Along the French Shore
Though I hate posting lyrics with bits missing, this is the best I can do from the tape I have (Jim Payne singing, I think).  Perhaps some kind person could fill in the blanks...


(Lem Snow, 1903 - 1986)

When I was a young lad, just barely fourteen
A-seeking adventure and lore
I boarded a clipper, my dad was the skipper
That sailed all along the French Shore
Yes we sailed all along the French Shore.

We soon weighed the anchor and hoisted our sails
Straightway for Cape (?)
For which destination, without hesitation,
We sailed all along the French Shore
Yes we sailed all along the French Shore.

What beautiful vessels were sailing those days
Some bound for the North Labrador;
And so for this reason, (?) out there that season
They too sailed along the French Shore
Yes we sailed all along the French Shore.

On each ship a maiden was hired to cook,
A beautiful girl to adore;
So young and cavorting(?), all ready for courting
While sailing along the French Shore
Yes while sailing along the French Shore.

Being too young for courting, I soon did decide
To spy on the lovers on shore
I spied on a couple so loving and supple (subtle?)
While sailing along the French Shore
Yes while sailing along the French Shore.

Their actions peculiar appeared to me then
But now they're funny no more
Their hugging and kissing, oh what I'd been missing
While sailing along the French Shore
Yes while sailing along the French Shore.

One Sunday I trailed them over the hill
And saw what I ne'er saw before;
And the knowledge I gained forever remained
After sailing along the French Shore
After sailing along the French Shore.

This couple got married that very same Fall
As soon as the voyage was o'er;
Engendered, I'm certain, by secretly flirting
While sailing along the French Shore
Yes we sailed all along the French Shore.

This couple has children now, married I (?)
You see, they're not young any more;
Nor yet do they know that I witnessed the show
That they staged all along the French Shore
Yes while sailing along the French Shore

So this ends the story of those bonny days
Oh that I could live them once more!
With what I now know, I'd produce my own show
And I'd stage it along the French Shore
Yes I'd stage it along the French Shore.
