The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89103   Message #2807617
Posted By: Waddon Pete
09-Jan-10 - 02:12 PM
Thread Name: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Subject: RE: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Interesting post, Jerry. Pour me a cup of coffee please. It's been hard work walking through the snow to your door.

Over here on the other side of the pond we still call our soldiers sailors and airmen the services, and people involved are service families. We also have a large number of people in what we call the service industries. They are the ones like transportation, catering, entertainment etc. I think the idea of 'good service' is still alive and well over here, but I dare say it depends on one's personal experience. Personal service in shops and companies is also alive and well. In times of recession, if your business doesn't make itself attractive to the customer, then the customer will go elsewhere, where they are appreciated! Your Wal-Mart contact comes to mind here. She gives good service and so people seek her out.

Now, what's all this about things being slow round the kitchen table?

Perhaps this bag of unused party poppers, tooters and funny hats will help matters!

Best wishes,
