The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24415   Message #280820
Posted By: InOBU
19-Aug-00 - 02:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kursk fiasco
Subject: RE: BS: Karsk fiasco
Dear Ron:
Not to change the subject, but to add a note of levity when we are all so concerned about so many fellow mariners...
Did you ever catch the Groucho Marx - "You bet your life" episode when a US sub comander was a contestant? Groucho asked him about life on a sub, and the skipper said, "we play alot of cards..." "Poker, eh?" Groucho asked. "Oh no, no gambling, just a bit of Acey Ducey." Later in the show, the skipper screwed up and said, "I guess my me are laughing at me now." Groucho replied, "Laughing so hard they are dropping all their poker chips!"
Best wishes to all in the old up and down biz, as Tristan Jones used to say...