The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126215   Message #2808570
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
10-Jan-10 - 05:10 PM
Thread Name: Mudcatters Blogs
Subject: RE: Mudcatters Blogs
Thanks for doing this thread, Simon. And yes, SRS, I've been reading the Thieme, Cooney, Muldaur thread. Art has been a deear friend most of my adult life, and I did an opening act for Michael Cooney many years ago that resulted in my first booking as a main "act" at the Sounding Board in Hartford. I've heard Muldaur perform, going back to the early 60's, but can't say I've ever "met" him. That's a very interesting juxtaposition of three people I wouldn't normally associate, with Muldaur being the wild card. Art and Michael certainly plowed the same fields.
