The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126177   Message #2809529
Posted By: wysiwyg
11-Jan-10 - 06:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: 2010-Jan De-clutter & accountability ^^^
Subject: RE: BS: 2010-Jan De-clutter & accountability ^^^
(((LF))) Hang in there!

Pool today was focused on shoulder-fibromyalgia-type-rehab while getting the rest of the bod back up to a higher fitness level, so:

10 minutes slow whole-body aquajog
10 minutes ars only Ai Chi
10 minutes armless Backhab
10 minutes armless Ai Chi

... in probably a different order interspersed with hot tub and cold pool visits with my favorite spiritual encourager looking at Scriptural wisdom shedding light on various icky things gratuitously aimed my way today....

To Animaterra---
.... which were very helpful, and very cultural-context-accurate as well. We agreed to formalize swapped time in equal measure, and that was a nice change too. I'll meet with two more similarly-interested folks later this month, tho the topic will be different, but it will have to do with the Jan. 6 post above that was also addressed to you.

Another nice outcome of the visit with my spiritual friend was the detail it added to a decision I had just made about starting mornings in the office with tea and spirituality readings, prayer, etc., before coming doen in the AM. I had just enough energy after the workout (and shoulder pain) to set the necessary materials in the stairwell that serves as my UPbox, for tomorrow AM's new habit.

I also saw another good friend at the pool who has also been part of this spirituality group; the brief hello was just about right for where our talks have been of late-- they get intense, and mutuality/time splitting is not quite part of that dynamic yet but looks to be possible sooner rather than later.


Besides decluttering today's "issue," I also decluttered a good amount of sinus blockage in the steamy hot-tub-- nice esp with the ear infection I'm treating.

I REALLY enjoyed the African-history study I'm on this winter, today..... today also I discovered a way to pace the 3-hour MP3 of that audiobook better, so I can find and resume my place better-- the same player runs the workout music and it's hard to switch back and forth but the Africa material is off the really hard part for now so I no longer have to slowdown the playback while I juggle wet maps, and then try to reset the settings for the fast workout and reset it again to slower reading, etc., so the rest of the Africa project (which is behind schedule) should move along better now.

Before I left there was the greatest little girl in the ladies' dressing room. There is only one shower, and as the pool day goes on it gets very crowded in the dressing room, so I always holler out, after I do the shower essentials, to see if anyone else is waiting for the shower-- before I commence the girly-girl add-ons to the shower, in there. "It's just me," answered a tiny, girlish voice; "Do you need me to step out?" It was just such great manners and kindness-- I guess she's run into modesty issues with other members and was thinking I was afraid to come out! :~) Happily, her mother came in next, so I was able to tell her how impressed I had been with her daughter. A fine young lady there!
