The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126462   Message #2809699
Posted By: GUEST,murrbob
11-Jan-10 - 11:59 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Cowboy Jack/Just a Lonely Cowboy
Subject: Origins: Cowboy Jack/Just a Lonely Cowboy
In the early 1940's, my dad would sing a song while driving us in our car. It began:

       There was a lonely cowboy,
       With heart both brave and true;
       He fell in love with a maiden,
       With eyes of Heaven's own blue.

   There are many verses, indelibly etched in my memory, but I can't find the origin of the song. Law collected it in his 1964 book,"Native American Balladry." He cites a couple singing it to him in 1954; obviously, it originated prior to that.
   Any help would be greatly appreciated -- a very nostalgic song!