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Thread #126461   Message #2809935
Posted By: Donuel
12-Jan-10 - 09:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
excerpt from Person Magazine:

A new TV season promises much to crumudgeon about. The seachange in programing is earth shaking and will be bigger than moving Leno back to Late nite.

A new TV show will feature an 'aproslitute' extrordinaire.
The all new FOX sparkling mega blockbuster that goes beyond fair and balanced with no spin or left wing biased commufascist propoganda.l than Pravda, Wall St. Journal or The New York Post. "It is not about mealy moutherate right wing propoganda" says Reverend Dobson.
However there are signs of progressive policies at the studio with the opening of the new day care center for young abstinence mothers.

The show promises to increase your blood circulation, if not your blood preassure, by daring to examine and discuss facts created just for this show. Other shows will fade out of sight like Oprah and The View compared to the all NEW TEA TIME WITH SARAH PALIN.
The anticipation is already at fever pitch especially since her first guest will be God. If all goes well he might become a holy Co-Host. I suspect that there will be a rotating co host to keep things new and fresh.

While it is not clear if the show will be weekly, daily or hourly, it will become a challenge for the producers and editors at FOX to mamage such a huge production. There is talk that Brian Seacrest might produce Tea Time which some think is a more upbeat choice than Roger Ailes.

Finding sponsors is no problem so far like it is at Glen Beck's show but in a surprising move both Lipton and Earl Grey have declined to advertise on the Sarah Palin show, but Weapon Manufacturers are clamoring to climb aboard. IT may be the first time we even get to see small arms companies advertising side by side with Boneva, Cialis and Budweiser.

Person Magazine is a sole subsidery of Donuel Enterprises.