The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1425 Message #2810867
Posted By: MGM·Lion
13-Jan-10 - 09:24 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Soldier's Joy
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Soldier's Joy
A little BTW. In John Schlesinger's film of Hardy's Far from The Madding Crowd the folk adviser was the late great Isla Cameron — she sang a fine Dorset version of 'Bold Grenadier' in voiceover: perhaps the only wrong note was to have Bathsheba sing 'Bushes&Briars' at the shearing feast, rather than 'Allen Water' as in the book — a drawingroom songbook type ditty more suitable for the genteel Miss Everdene to respond to her workpeople's oral-and-broadside repertoire & Gabriel Oak's Dame Durden ('Humphrey with his flail'?) played on the flute. Anyway the point I am working up to is - I wonder how many who saw the film will have recognised the dance tune played at Bathsheba's wedding to Sergeant Troy as the most appropriate "Soldier's Joy"?