The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126512   Message #2811016
Posted By: GUEST,WYS not logged in
13-Jan-10 - 12:14 PM
Thread Name: Major Earthquake in Haiti - 12 January 2010
Subject: Prayers and Good Thoughts for Haiti
A good friend of mine (with whom I have not spoken for year) used to play a major role in island government and their area's Red Cross, so he's especially in my prayers; he may still be there and have been hurt or he may be called in to help.... I ask prayers and good thoughts for his safety so he can help his people in the current earthquake tragedy. And of course for all of the affected people there and elsewhere, and all the helpers rushing to offer aid.

Frankly I didn't know if this should be a music thread or not, since so many of us have drawn musical inspiration from the area-- whatever!
