The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126177   Message #2811078
Posted By: VirginiaTam
13-Jan-10 - 01:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: 2010-Jan De-clutter & accountability ^^^
Subject: RE: BS: 2010-Jan De-clutter & accountability ^^^
I love you guys!!!! Sorry I am almost drunk on feeling better. Woke this morning in lots of pain but not the feeling generally unwell like I am fixin to die kind of sick. And my colour was back. I was pink not grey. Actually slept more last night too.

Most of today minuting meeting and then typing notes which still are not done. Meeting not as gruelling as I expected it to be and the meeting room had the heat on so I was physically comfortable. Usually not the case. Loads of filing in the tomb tomorrow so may be hurting a lot in the evening or next day.

On the home front, laundry movin along right now, shopping done (only healthy lunch items purchased), dinner in oven, some little packages prepped for post (praying I can get to local post office this Saturday - weather is a comin agin).

May or may not make more fairies this evening. Pretty knackered and want TSO to snuggle up on sofa and watch a film with me, I think.

Y'all keep on keepin on. Oh and.... I love you guys!