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Thread #87391   Message #2812040
Posted By: GUEST,TIA
14-Jan-10 - 04:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Where's the Global Warming
Subject: RE: BS: Where's the Global Warming

"One thing most people are very loath to ever admit to is how little they really know"

The list of topics about which I know almost nothing, or enough to be dangerous, is quite alarmingly long. Not loath to admit that at all. However, this topic (as you might guess from my inability to stop posting) is one that I know a great deal about, and have been involved in since the (gulp, my age is about to show) late 1970s.


"Global Climate Change" is not a ducking tactic. People studying it have been insisting for years that the popular phrase (popularized partly by Al Gore of course) is inaccurate.

Now to answer what you have specifically asked (my answers between stars):
"I live in the UK, whose Met Office (well known warmistas, so much so that their web-site now lists them as "weather and climate change") has predicted that the last two summers would be "barbecue summers" (both were washouts) and that the last two winters would be milder than usual (both were - this one is so far - colder than usual). Their forecasts for six months into the future are laughably inaccurate - but they purport to tell us what the climate will be like in a hundred years and we believe them?
**it is more difficult to predict specific weather at a specific spot than to forecast long-term global trends**
How absolutely cretinous is that?
**not at all...getting things generally right over a very long time period is much less difficult than getting a specific thing right at a specific spot at a specific time**
If you answer one thing on this post, please answer me this: why should we trust the decadal forecasts of these incompetents when we can't trust their mensal forecasts?
**see above...please do not confuse "weathermen" with "climate scientists"...weathermen are those popular goofy guys on TV, climate scientists are the goofy guys in cluttered offices with no social life**
If their models didn't predict this decade of non-warming, why should we trust their models?"
**In case you missed it, the 10 warmest years on record (going back to the late 1800's) have all been in the last 12 years, so which decade of non-warming are you referring to?**