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Thread #87391   Message #2812109
Posted By: Little Hawk
14-Jan-10 - 05:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Where's the Global Warming
Subject: RE: BS: Where's the Global Warming
I agree with the Precautionary Principle exactly as you have stated it, TIA. I agree enthusiastically with it.

I am not saying that anyone in a position to actually DO something significant about the situation should "stay above it all and just observe and wait, and see if we wreck the planet or not."

Good Lord, no! Quite the contrary.

But you have to remember who I am. I'm a folk musician! I am NOT someone in a position to actually do a darned thing about the Global Warming situation, and I DON'T know for sure which Global Warming theory is correct anyway...if any of them are...but the key factor here is that I, personally, can't do anything about it. I'm not a politician. I'm not a legislator. I don't own a major industry. And I don't know for sure what really needs to be done. I'm just some schmuck who is yakking on an internet forum, for Christ's sakes, and so are the other people here (I would assume).

So when I say I will have to wait and see what happens, I'm not saying that everyone in the world who could actually DO something significant about Global Warming should wait and see what happens, I'm saying that in my personal case...that's the only real choice I've got....because I am just some unimportant schmuck who is yakking about something on the Internet.


I don't take myself too goddamn seriously when it comes to matters like this. I don't take the rest of you too goddamn seriously either. All we are is we're a bunch of talkative folkies with some time on our hands who get caught up in talking about a ton of stuff here, because it gives our minds something to chew on for a bit...and that's better than having nothing for one's mind to chew on, perhaps?

I'm saying that we yak here because we LIKE to. And we disagree on many things...and that provokes further discussion...but do you think any of it is going to make a rat's ass of difference to what happens with humanity's response to Global Warming? I sure as hell don't.

I just talk about it because I find it kind of interesting...but do I think it'll change anything? Or change anyone else here? NO! I am fully aware of how tiny my influence is on events in this world and on other people's opinions. I am like a flea on the back of a dog the size of Alaska. And so are you.

Now...everyone loves an authoritative source, right? If that source says something they like...

Okay, check this one out. You'll love it. ;-)

John Coleman, meteorologist and founder of the Weather Channel speaks on Global Warming.

John Coleman on the Global Warming Theory