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Thread #126461   Message #2812246
Posted By: Ron Davies
14-Jan-10 - 08:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
Actually Sarah's move changes remarkably little.   On balance it's probably is a net positive for her--and therefore a net negative for sanity in government.

As Jack points out, moderates may be turned off. But there are already precious few of us left--and I'd expect most have already found Sarah not what we had in mind in a president.

The Fox job is however a plus for her since you can bet any job on Fox can't possibly be that demanding, especially in time. Unless they forbid her from doing so--unlikely, I'd guess--she'll be free to roam the country making speeches on behalf of fellow reactionaries--of which there are a distressing number under the GOP banner.   Then in 2011-2012 she can collect on those debts.

Main problem the rest of us face is that the political scene remains virtually unchanged. If the economy remains stagnant--the Fed predicts 7% unemployment--still--in 2012-- this is not good for anybody in office. Obviously it's far too early to tell anything about 2012. But people either vote on the basis of a hot war or they vote on pocketbook issues. No reason to think 2012 will be different.   And if the economic issue proves a negative for President Obama, the question becomes: which Republican will be picked?.

And there the news is dire:   the signs point to Sarah.   We may not think much of her--but, believe it or not, Mudcat is not her target audience.

As I've noted elsewhere, the primary system is set up to reward passion.   It worked like a charm for Obama. But it's a two-edged sword. On the Republican side the true believers' top issues are 1) anti-abortion and 2) gun rights. Anybody doubt that, as the only one to "walk the walk", she has the anti-abortion vote locked up tight?    And as the pin-up girl for the NRA, she has a strong position there too.

Intelligence of the candidates does not decide elections. More and more, it's obvious that Sarah considers herself the female Reagan. And if President Obama faces anything similar to 1980, it will be all over.

The only saving grace in all of this is that, thank God, it's a long way to 2012. A lot can happen.