The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126564   Message #2812702
Posted By: MGM·Lion
15-Jan-10 - 11:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Fish & Chips - 150 years old today
Subject: RE: BS: Fish & Chips - 150 years old today
... & we haven't even started yet on what to call those lovely big gherkins - almost pickled cuke size - that the best chip·shops keep. As I am a Londoner, they are 'wallies' to me.

There's a gr8 chippie right here in my home village of Haddenham between Cambridge & Ely [not to be confused with the other of same name in Bucks, tho we are fraternally linked by charity walks &c]; called Choys, becoz it doubles - wait4it - as a genuine (& xlnt) Chinese takeaway. So if you feel like a change, you can have pineapple·duck·in·orange·sauce with a go of mushroom·fried·rice instead. Oh, bum — decisions decisions!!!