The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126461   Message #2813111
Posted By: Bobert
15-Jan-10 - 06:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
Like I have said, we have Ronnie Raygun and the Era of Deregulation to blame for folks losing their pensions... This has always been part of "The Plan" by the New Deal Haters (NDHs)... The governemnt can only sustain but so many of them until it cracks and then the US becomes like Haiti before the earthquake... The problem is that Ronnie and thr Deregulaots set in motion the demise of the working class... It was genious on their part... Just make the laws favor management and eventually labor will crumble... We have all had front row seats in the crumbling of the American labor movement...

Worst part about it is that Boss Hog couldn't have done it without the poorest paid worker in the country... Yup, Bubba and Billy Jean and all their neigbors have voted over and over aagainst their own best interests in order to keep Boss Hog fat and happy...

And the beat goes on...

BTW, for those of you who are happy with yer penions now, just wait until the government can no longer afford to insure them... Thatis right around the corner in Boss Hogs plan...

