The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126147   Message #2813608
Posted By: GUEST,The Shambles
16-Jan-10 - 10:53 AM
Thread Name: Licensing consultation announced!
Subject: RE: Licensing consultation announced!
Comments in support of the Lib Dems Live Music Bill:

"The Musicians' Union is very pleased with this bill, as it supports the recommendations that were made by the Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee last year which were in support of live music".

John Smith, Musicians' Union

"There is no doubt that the Licensing Act 2003 continues to stifle small-scale live music throughout the UK. This leaves our society and culture significantly poorer – not to mention our economy – and is potentially disastrous for the UK's next generation of musical talent, most of whom will hone their craft in pubs, clubs and bars, and is denying jobbing musicians the opportunity to earn a living. The common sense proposals of Lord Clement-Jones' Live Music Bill would address these issues in one stroke and have the full support of UK Music."

Feargal Sharkey, UK Music

"The Government's Licensing Act has really been seen as a sledgehammer to crack a nut. It has had a detrimental effect on musicians performing in small venues and the National Campaign for the Arts is pleased to support Lord Clement-Jones' Live Music Bill, which we believe will go a long way towards addressing the issue."

Louise de Winter, National Campaign for the Arts

"Equity supports the Live Music Bill and calls on all members of all parties to do the same."

Stephen Spence, Equity