The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126570   Message #2814997
Posted By: Severn
18-Jan-10 - 12:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2010
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Montgomery Ward 2010
The gang at the tavern just sent us a load of special commemorative Wotsomatta U. jello cubes colored Pomagranate and Puce. I know the Tidy Bowl game was played a while ago and I lost some money when dear old W.U. went down the tubes. I'm not sure where it's been or if it's any fresher than the green stuff they feed me daily in here, but I get the special sugar-free stuff, so bon appetit to the rest of you!

I'd heard rumors it was originally destined to be funneled through Scotland for relief via the "Haggis For Haiti" group, but they must have sent it to "our own private Hades" by mistake. If it smells a bit squiddy, I wouldn't mess with it.......

I'm feeling morphined-ish than ever after breakfast, so they must be planning to torture me extra hard today. So I guess that means that I don't get to get out to the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday white sales to get a good deal on some king sized sheets.

I'll put the radio on the local Pacifica station WPFW, though, as they always have some good documentary programming about the man.
Last year ar this time, I'd have been listening to it while working overtime at the Post Office where some friends put me on to it some years ago, but I'm free at last from that part of it!

Happy American Holiday, world!