The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126269   Message #2815054
Posted By: Gutcher
18-Jan-10 - 01:43 PM
Thread Name: The Gypsie Laddies 500th Anniversary ??
Subject: RE: The Gypsie Laddies 500th Anniversary ??
So many questions so few answers.

   At the time in question King James 11[1436-1460] passed a law
   against sorners & sturdy beggars, Why?
   Could this have been his response to the complaints from Gallowa.
   It is almost certain that the strangers were not called gypsies
   at that time. They may have been known as saracens,blackamoors,
   sorners or sturdy beggars.
   Earl Douglas was not in residence in Gallowa at the time in
   question,such was his power that I am sure he never would have
   clyped to the King but would have taken the necessary measures
   to clean up his ain midden.
   I have accessed the Ragmans Roll[c.1298]but as yet have been
   unable to get at the names contained in that document.This in
   my search for Faa,Faw or Fall.