The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126345   Message #2815163
Posted By: Bat Goddess
18-Jan-10 - 03:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Curmudgeon's Medical Woes - Winter 2010
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon Fell -- On Way to Hospital
Okay, Tom called and Nicole (patient advocate) had gone home for the day. He said it was just too much for him to handle from there today -- he was going to go to Dover Rehab and if we had to get a lawyer at some point, then do it then. And call Rep. Carol Shea-Porter's Dover office because they have a person in charge of senior issues and getting things accomplished.

But first I called Wentworth-Douglass and explained the situation and asked if there was ANYONE there today whom I could talk to and who maybe had a clue as to what was going on. So I reached Nicole's associate, another patient advocate. I explained the whole shebang -- I really feel he's being railroaded into a move that might be detrimental not only to his health but detrimental to our financial well-being.


Okay. I think we have a game plan. Tom WILL be going to Dover Rehab this afternoon via the Care Van, probably within the hour. He will have a $110/day co-pay while he is there. Tomorrow morning before going to work, I have to call Dover Rehab and start making the arrangements for them to release him on Wednesday (my day off, thank goodness) and make arrangements for the antibiotics and the PICC supplies. This would normally be around $81/day but if we're accepted for financial assistance from THAT company, it might bring it down to $40/day. I'll also see if we can apply for financial assistance at Dover Rehab.

Me? Right now I'd really like to just sit down and cry (and I don't cry very easily) out of sheer frustration, tension release and the fact that I've got a whole bunch more stuff to do in the next couple days including getting my car shovelled out and the driveway plowed.

And that's what I'm off doing right now -- shovelling out in front of my car so that Drew can plow the driveway. But first shovel off the deck and steps yet again so I don't stomp down the snow.

Is there some nice place I can go and just scream and scream until I feel better?!?
