The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126564   Message #2815173
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
18-Jan-10 - 03:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Fish & Chips - 150 years old today
Subject: RE: BS: Fish & Chips - 150 years old today
I remember trying to explain that I had indigestion to a non-English speaking pharmacist in Boulogne - Boy did I fee a twerp when I found out what indigestion was in French:-)

It was nothing to do with Fish and Chips BTW but a lot to do with mixing beer, wine and cafe cognac!

On the subject of food in Boulogne, most of the cafes their seem to do something called 'Welsh'. Never found out what it was but what do you think would happen if you wnet into a cafe in Cardiff and asked if they did French?

:D (eG)