The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126655   Message #2815616
Posted By: Richard Bridge
19-Jan-10 - 04:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Binge Drinking reforms....UK
Subject: RE: BS: Binge Drinking reforms....UK
Boot's on the other foot. Give schools (back) the powers to keep the little animals under control and to compel them to do the work their idle little arses don't want to do and then the things that are presently ineducable and unemployable might come out the other end able to do something with their lives other than wanting to be Jade Goody or Jordan or Callum Best.

The most accurate depiction of children allowed to do what comes naturally is Golding's "Lord of the Flies". Children are nasty until civilised by external forces. Look at what siblings do to each other.

If children are civilised and educated (which necessitates compulsion) then there will be fewer of the no-hope louts who rightly know in their hearts that they are scum and then there will be fewer who need to drown their resentment at the fact that decent people despise them.

If in doubt revisit history of the gin-house era: drunk for a penny, dead drunk for twopence.