The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87391   Message #2816520
Posted By: Sawzaw
20-Jan-10 - 02:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Where's the Global Warming
Subject: RE: BS: Where's the Global Warming

I see in this data from NOAA Chantily which I assume is Dulles:
         JAN    FEB    MAR    AVG   ANN
2007   39.1   28.6   46.4   38.0   56.8
2008   35.5   37.3   45.9   39.6   55.7
2009   29.6   38.0   43.7   37.1

So if you average Jan Feb and MAR and compare them to and average going back to 1963 you are right. The last three winters have been warmer than average.

My point is they have been getting progressively colder except for a bump in 2008. Also the yearly average has been getting progressively colder each year since 2006.

If you look at this NOAA chart the overall average temperature has been flat since the 1880s.

How can this be when The CO2 has been climbing all the time? How can the temperature be linked to CO2? I would like to see this chart with CO2 superimposed on it.

If you look at the last three years on the chart, the average temperature has plunged 7 degrees F / 3 degrees C.